SEO – QualDev eCommerce Website Development & Design Company New York Thu, 15 Sep 2022 12:36:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top Ways to Keep a Clean Backlink Footprint Wed, 07 Sep 2022 12:02:48 +0000 Maintaining a place in the upper echelons of Google and other search engines is crucial to the success of businesses.  SEO is of extreme importance to the visibility of your business and is necessary to rank high on Google. To make your business stand out, you need authority. To boost your authority, you need backlinks. …

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Maintaining a place in the upper echelons of Google and other search engines is crucial to the success of businesses. 

SEO is of extreme importance to the visibility of your business and is necessary to rank high on Google. To make your business stand out, you need authority. To boost your authority, you need backlinks.

However, what are backlinks? Simply put, backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. If someone links to your site, then you “have a backlink from them”. If you link to another website, then they have a backlink from you. Backlinks are also known as inbound links because they represent other websites’ traffic coming to your site. The quality and quantity of backlinks can help your website rank higher on search engines such as Google.

However, building backlinks is not an easy task. If these links are spammy, more often than not, they end up harming the reputation of your website. If you build links carelessly and a search engine catches these efforts to build your rank there could be some serious ramifications that can take a heavy toll on your business.

An easy and indispensable solution to this issue is to maintain a clean backlink footprint at all times. So, how do you do that? Well, read on as the experts at QualDev solve this mystery for you.

Why Does a Clean Backlink Footprint Matter?

Your backlink footprint is a profile of the links you have to other websites and a reflection of how you have built them over time. It is a log of all your past and current link-building efforts and reflects the reputation of your brand and business.

If well executed, your backlink footprint can work wonders for you. It can increase your referral traffic, improve your online reputation, and boost your authority so you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

However, if not executed properly and ethically, your backlink footprint can do the exact opposite for your brand and attract heavy penalties from search engines.

The three main and clear advantages of having a clean backlink footprint are –

  • Better Brand Reputation
  • Improved SEO
  • Avoiding Penalties

How to Maintain a Clean Backlink Footprint

Let’s look at how to maintain a clean backlink footprint –

1. Devise a Good Strategy

Before you upload any content or create any link, have an understanding of and clarity about what you are trying to achieve. Also, having a good knowledge of the best SEO practices always helps. It’s good to know what white tactics can do for you, and how black hat tactics can harm you. It is always best to have a clear, simple plan and stick to it. The more you stray from the original intent, the tougher it will be for you to have a clean footprint. 

2. Start Slow

One can succumb to the temptation to generate as much traffic as possible for their website as soon as it is live. Avoid doing this and start slow because if your site has a large number of links too soon, search engines can become suspicious. Later, as your website gets more authority and visibility, and has more history, you can accelerate linking efforts. This always helps in the long run.

3. Content is King

This age-old adage is still relevant and will always be. You will need great online and offsite content to help the links you build, and to build new links as well. If you link your site to a bad piece of content, it will reflect badly on your business. Of course, we know that poorly written content will do you no good and can easily put off potential customers.

4. Always Be Relevant to Your Audience

The link you put forth has to be relevant to the end user (visitor). It should not be inappropriate or irrelevant. It should be well targeted and must deliver what it promises. Achieving this is easy when you link to interesting, well-written, and informative articles that hold your reader’s attention and give them precisely what they want. 

5. Invest in Different Content Formats

When content is presented in a single format repeatedly it can be off-putting, especially when the format is used for long content. It is a good idea to keep posting content of various lengths and adding multiple short-length pieces to make it more appealing and engaging. This will improve your backlink footprint. 

6. Link Placement

You can often be tempted to add all your links at the start of your piece for maximum traction and visibility. This can work against you in the long run.

Place links in different areas of your content. This might seem counterproductive, but trust that this practice will eventually prove to be very beneficial. 

7. Avoid Shady Link Building Schemes

You can easily be tempted to indulge in any of the schemes that pseudo-experts promote voraciously online, especially at the start of your endeavors. While a few of these schemes might be useful and help you, most of them are unreliable and give you extremely short-lived results. 

Here are a few of the main points that can ensure a clean backlink footprint. Some honorable mentions include –

  • Link extensively to internal pages
  • Keep changing your link-building quantity every few months
  • If your business offering is topical or seasonal, pump up the linking at the relevant time
  • Check and vet your link-building partners frequently
  • Scale systematically and with a clear strategy

However, there are many more things that you can do. 

With all these basic systemic changes, you can optimize your content, tweak it for visibility to potential customers, and get maximum traction.

If you need help, speak to the experts at QualDev! With QualDev, you can rest assured that you get nothing but the best when it comes to SEO services in New York and ethical, systematic backlinking. With quality eCommerce development services, web development, and SEO solutions that help your business or store in every possible way at every possible step, you can easily ensure that you have the cleanest backlink footprint when you collaborate with QualDev. Count on QualDev for supreme authority, highest referral traffic, and excellent online reputation.

The post Top Ways to Keep a Clean Backlink Footprint appeared first on QualDev.

The Biggest SEO Trends and How You Can Capitalize On Them in 2022 Thu, 24 Mar 2022 10:57:49 +0000 Search engine optimization (SEO) improves a website or an app’s presence (or ranking) in the search results returned by a search engine. It is one of the youngest marketing disciplines and is evolving at an incredibly fast pace. Just like the all-powerful Google algorithm, the SEO industry is unpredictable. Enhancing page visibility and organic traffic …

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Search engine optimization (SEO) improves a website or an app’s presence (or ranking) in the search results returned by a search engine. It is one of the youngest marketing disciplines and is evolving at an incredibly fast pace. Just like the all-powerful Google algorithm, the SEO industry is unpredictable. Enhancing page visibility and organic traffic is, for all the right reasons, a prime focus for every business and digital marketer.

The only constant in the world is change; and making changes to your SEO strategy is essential, to progress. Now is an ideal time to plan your digital marketing campaigns for the coming season. The team at QualDev, an ecommerce website development company, has developed a list of the most important SEO trends for 2022 and how businesses can leverage them.

Top 7 SEO Trends for 2022 and Beyond

1. Google’s EAT principle

When it comes to SEO, few things remain the same. Google’s EAT principle is one of them. EAT stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. These three elements help a search engine decide how to rank pages on the results page for a given search. EAT is not the algorithm itself, but the framework on which it is based.

A few ways to ensure you get the basics of SEO right include –

  • Having positive customer reviews
  • Using just the right language (to help someone searching for your services find your website)
  • Linking to other digital assets that lead to your site
  • Creating and optimizing content that is likely to be shared (blogs, articles, or videos that will capture the attention of your target audience)

2. Core Web Vitals Optimization

Core Web Vitals is a quantifiable analysis of the pages on your website or app. It is now officially a Google ranking factor. Core Web Vitals include the following performance metrics –

  • LCP – The amount of time it takes the largest content asset on the page to load.
  • First Input Delay (FID) – The time your site takes to respond to a user’s first interaction.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – A count of the number of unexpected layout shifts that occur during the lifespan of the page.

Google has verified that starting May 2021, Core Web Vitals will determine the rank of a page. However, at the end of the year announcement, Google said that the impact would be limited to mobile search results.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

SEO is rooted in shifting sands. The rules and most promising practices continually evolve. Tracking the shifts and implementing affiliated strategies might be more than challenging. Fortunately, thanks to novel AI-powered technology, you do not need to hire a whole unit to tackle your SEO needs. The standout point of AI is that it is always learning, changing, and evolving – precisely what you want for your SEO. AI-based SEO is both the present and the future of assuring that your website ranks where it should – at the top.

4. Mobile-friendly Websites

Mobile device usage has skyrocketed in the past few years. Nearly every person has a smart phone now, and the number of people using them to find things on the internet is increasing as these devices become more accessible. Mobile SEO is the process of optimizing your website to ensure your site looks great and performs optimally on mobile devices. Providing users with a positive experience by ensuring that your website works seamlessly on any device, regardless of the size of its screen goes a long way towards bolstering your company’s mobile SEO strategy.

5. Keyword Clustering

Keyword research is the foundation of SEO. As Google’s natural language processing (NLP) technology becomes progressive, effective keyword targeting has evolved beyond being a complicated process. Google ranks your landing pages for multiple keywords and not just a single word. Keyword clustering can help to level up your total keyword rankings as it makes use of the principle of using numerous keywords with similar search intent to propel web pages that target those “clusters.”

6. Local SEO

Locals love locals. You should update the listings of your website or online business from a regional standpoint. The listings should have accurate local information about your business. Doing so provides you with a massive plus point in SEO. In a few minutes, your customer can check your address, phone number, hours of operation, product listings, etc. If you cite your city, community, metro area, and neighborhood on your website and develop a local SEO strategy, you will get visits from a more relevant audience. Good ecommerce website development company will prioritize this.

7. Voice Search

Alexa and Siri have been with us for a couple of years now. They are our friends who make life easy. However, what does that mean for SEO? You should hire a pro to optimize voice search. Content-based questions, relevant answers, and a complete discussion can also bring in those users who prefer voice searches rather than typing in what they are looking for.

Looking at 2022 and Beyond from an SEO Perspective

An Updated and optimized website with truthful, relevant information tends to rank high. SEO is a fast-paced industry. The people who were quick to “get it” found themselves ahead of their slower-moving competitors.

If your business is failing to surge ahead of competitors in terms of online presence and digital marketing, it means only one thing – you need to revisit and rethink your SEO approach. Get in touch with the QualDev team to understand how we help small, mid-sized, and large businesses establish and expand their online presence using highly effective and future-ready SEO strategies. Explore the range of SEO services and solutions we offer.

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Top 8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO in 2021 and Beyond Fri, 24 Dec 2021 07:05:07 +0000 The rapid evolution of search engine optimization (hereafter referred to as SEO) has brought about a real paradigm shift in the way businesses operate. Tactics, technologies, and industry practices have changed massively in the last decade or so, to provide marketers with novel ways to reach, engage with, pitch products and services, improve conversions, and …

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The rapid evolution of search engine optimization (hereafter referred to as SEO) has brought about a real paradigm shift in the way businesses operate. Tactics, technologies, and industry practices have changed massively in the last decade or so, to provide marketers with novel ways to reach, engage with, pitch products and services, improve conversions, and create brand awareness and loyalty with new customers.

Reasons why SEO is essential for businesses

What was once looked at as a way to stay a step ahead of the competition is now the norm – SEO is well and truly an inseparable part of running any business today. With constant algorithm updates and volatile changes in internet trends, SEO has evolved into a concept that is critical for businesses to ace in order to ensure relevance and innovation.

For starters, organic search is the largest driver of online traffic. According to Sparktoro, 92.96% of global traffic comes from Google search, Google Images, and Google Maps. The latest statistics suggest that –

  • 57% of digital marketers believe SEO is the most effective marketing strategy
  • 61% of customers research online before buying anything
  • 89% of all internet customers use search engines to make a buying decision
  • 75% of people never check anything  beyond the first few results on search engines like Google

By combining your SEO processes with key marketing disciplines (including content, mobile, and social), you can convert your business into traffic, conversions, and a revenue-generating machine.

While planning to create an enormous boost in viewer traffic (which would naturally result in an increase in inquiries, leads, conversions, revenue, and the ability to reach more customers), it is important that modern-day businesses focus their effort and energy on creating a holistic SEO strategy that focuses on –

  • Delivering a remarkable customer experience
  • Utilizing every available avenue to establish a strong online presence
  • Ensuring the best possible brand visibility and awareness
  • Creating a cohesive and targeted short- and long-term marketing strategy

Here are a few trends that point towards the need for businesses to invest heavily in their SEO efforts –

1. Mobile-first

Having a mobile-first approach is absolutely imperative today, given the customers’ preference for mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, and wearables) over old-school PC-based web browsing.

2. Video Content

Video content is ruling the roost and for good reason. Engaging video content is now an integral part of business communication. Advertisements, commercials, explainer videos, product demos, short films, and the like are all quickly consumed and digested by audiences the world over. In the world of content creation and consumption, the amalgamation of video and blogging has proven to be a game-changer. Businesses using videos grow 49% faster in terms of revenue than those that fail to exploit this marketing mechanism.

3. AMP

The concept of accelerated mobile pages (AMPs) has given businesses a way to ensure a better user experience, enabling them to browse through specific web pages in a jiffy. Google is now giving preference to sites that have switched to AMP.

4. Mobile apps

Mobile apps are almost indispensable for modern-day businesses since they enable one-touch access to everything your business offers. Additionally, apps offer better visibility, increased traffic, and lower bounce rates.

5.Voice search

The growing usage of voice search is taking center stage as users look for convenient and quick ways to get whatever they are looking for – whether it is entertainment, products, or services. Local search has put the onus on local businesses to ensure that their online presence is optimal so their customers can find them and avail of their services when they need them.

6. PPC

Paid advertising (including a mix of video ads, banner ads, and static ads) continues to be a highly effective way to target specific demographics and ensure greater visibility, qualified leads, and direct conversions.

7. Featured snippets

For the last couple of years, featured snippets have been dominating search results in most niches. Featured snippets are basically the summary of an answer that the user gets in response to their search query. Displayed at the top of the SERP above organic and paid ads, featured snippets get more traffic than anything else on a SERP.

8. UGC

User-generated content is a great way to promote your business without having to make a large investment. Comments, reviews, ratings, social media videos, testimonials, and other such user-generated content can successfully create a high level of interest and activity among your prospective customers.

How QualDev can help you ace your SEO game

Change is the only constant in the world of SEO. You need a dynamic partner to ensure that you are always on top. Several leading eCommerce brands and businesses across industry domains trust us to deliver exactly that. At QualDev, we offer highly customized search engine optimization solutions that are designed around your unique business objectives, target demographics, and the latest industry trends.

After evaluating your existing online presence and identifying gaps and opportunities, our expert team will offer you a clear and comprehensive SEO strategy that goes way beyond simply looking at keywords and competitors. Our approach revolves around designing an SEO strategy that not only delivers on all the points mentioned above but also creates a marketing ecosystem tailored around what you offer and what your audience needs.

Are you on the lookout for a local SEO company or SEO services in the United States? No matter what the size, scale, or nature of your business, we can devise an SEO strategy that promises the highest ROI. Explore our result-driven SEO services or get in touch with our team today.

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How To Expand Your Jewelry Business With Smart Marketing Tue, 10 Dec 2019 14:07:41 +0000 As the online jewelry industry continues to evolve, the increase in the number of players in this industry has caused an increase in competition. The most common question that every jewelry business owner asks is – how can I beat my competitors? If you own an online jewelry business and find yourself asking the same …

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As the online jewelry industry continues to evolve, the increase in the number of players in this industry has caused an increase in competition. The most common question that every jewelry business owner asks is – how can I beat my competitors? If you own an online jewelry business and find yourself asking the same question, this article provides you with ideas about how to use smart marketing technique to expand your jewelry business, while staying a step ahead of the competition.

Although the answer to the question above is very simple – Focus on what your customers want. Providing customers with what they want at the right time requires the use of tried and tested marketing tactics. Selling jewelry online is a billion-dollar marketplace, because the products appeal to both men and women irrespective of their age or culture. As an online seller, choosing to ignore smart marketing techniques is not an option. Using smart marketing techniques is necessary for driving website visits, increasing brand awareness and promoting the image of your brand online.

If you are planning to expand your jewelry business, here are 6 smart marketing tips for you:

1. Focus On Website SEO

In today’s digital world almost every process, right from purchasing a bracelet that matches your outfit, to choosing which type of jewelry to wear for a specific occasion, begins with a simple Google search. Any site that appears at the top of search result pages, receive maximum clicks and hence maximum sales. 

A detailed keyword research and competitor analysis allows you to determine what your target audience is searching for, and to understand what type of content works. This knowledge provides you with material to customize and display relevant data on your website. You can start by placing keywords in the right positions accompanied by link building for your website to rank high on Google Search Result Pages.

2. Get To Know Your Competitors

One of the best ways to expand your jewelry business is to watch what your closest competitors are doing. Make a note of everything they do to maintain an edge over their competitors. Things you need to pay attention to can include – do they maintain a mailing list? What is their presence on social networks etc.?

You can keep a close eye on your rival websites and look for jewelers who offer products that are similar to the ones you sell. Make a note of what you like about the configuration of their products and determine what works for them. Then plan a change to your strategy based on your observations.

Think about your USP and reaffirm what you are best at; this will help you leap ahead of your competitors. Also, you need to keep the interest of your customers alive. Do this by updating your product line and adding updated trends to your online store. Remember, fashion is an ever-evolving niche with new trends emerging every day. Most of your customers will be looking for new pieces to add to their wardrobe constantly.

3. Maintain Awesome Jewelry Displays

The fact that your business is online does not mean that you do not need a jewelry display. All big brands invest in and use high-resolution thumbnails and photos of their Jewelry products on their websites, so that customers can look at the item from different angles. For best results, you need to display your best selling products by using images in HD quality on your website. It is advisable to use HD photos of Jewelry on Pinterest and Instagram. This may help you rank higher on image search.

You can use creatively designed screens to make your products memorable. Do not settle for traditional trays and stands! DIY screens are always the best because they represent the personality a business wants to portray. In addition, visitors to your website will appreciate the effort.

At last, do not forget to add labels to pieces of information on your website and on social media. Show potential customers items that catch their interest and encourage them to visit your website again. 

4. Make Use Of Social Media And Facebook Ads

Social media sites play an important role in brand awareness. Many digital marketing agencies use these platforms to retain users. Maintaining a presence on multiple social networks will encourage potential customers to engage with your brand.

Your content on social networks acts as the voice of your brand. Publishing content on social media regularly, using cleverly crafted content will no doubt make a buzz about your brand; it also provides an avenue to present your audience with fresh content about your brand.

You can start by joining existing jewelry groups on Facebook, a simple and effective way to build subscribers and customers online. However, it is best to read all the instructions posted on the group before you publish information about your business. Understand the tone and usual topics that are discussed in the group. When you feel comfortable being a member of the group, continue and join in the discussion. 

To get more user attention, do not forget to announce special offers and discount coupons to your Facebook fans using Facebook ads. These campaigns work best because you can target consumers based on specific demographics: age, gender, location, or interest, etc.

5. Newsletters And Discount Coupons

Sending potential customers emails is one of the oldest and best approaches to advertise jewelry, and the best way to keep customers up to date. Sending e-mails and newsletters that contain convincing content to all your customers can generate big profits. Increase the effectiveness of this tactic by sending the right message to the right person at the right time!

In addition, you can offer customers discounts or coupons, an effective way to attract customers who have not bought anything recently. This can be done by sending a monthly email or by sending a bulk SMS to your entire list of customers. This jewelry marketing strategy is very helpful for promoting and scaling a jewelry business.

6. Make Emotional Connection With Your Customers

Emotional connections help marketing professionals to differentiate and assert themselves in this competitive environment. It helps them to convey the values, interests, and passion of a brand. Emotional marketing tells a story that an audience can relate to humanly or personally. As consumers make more buying decisions that are driven by emotions instead of logic, emotional marketing creates constructive relationships that attract customers who later become fans of the brand. 

You can approach your customers directly and tell them an exciting story about your jewelry in terms of beauty, history, nature, family, etc. For effective results, you need to offer more than just a list of metals, gems, or dimensions, and give them a reason to connect with your brand emotionally and become motivated to buy.


Smart marketing techniques provide ample avenues to build and expand your customer base online and to cash in on a nice profit. As you know, the holidays are near; customers tend to look for discounts and offers wherever possible. You can grab this opportunity by announcing exciting offers in the form of Christmas or Valentine’s Day specials to grab the attention of potential customers.

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5 ways in which digital marketing boosts your business Mon, 24 Jun 2019 11:54:19 +0000 People seem to consume electronic content faster these days. Today, customers are more interested in purchasing things online instead of offline. Digital marketing plays a key role in the success of your business. To promote your products and services and set yourself as a brand online, you need to have good internet marketing support in …

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People seem to consume electronic content faster these days. Today, customers are more interested in purchasing things online instead of offline. Digital marketing plays a key role in the success of your business.

To promote your products and services and set yourself as a brand online, you need to have good internet marketing support in this highly competitive space.

If you plan to start a business or want to expand your existing one, you can hire a digital marketing agency or establish an in-house team to take care of all the activities of your website.

Before diving deep into why digital marketing is important for a business, let us understand what digital marketing is:

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is the promotion and advertisement of products and brands through one or more forms of electronic media channels like Google, YouTube, Facebook, etc. This is important, not only because of rapid growth but also because it is essentially the future of marketing.

Many people think that the digital form of advertising very soon will replace traditional forms of marketing like Newspaper or print media.

As we know, digital methods of promotion are faster, more convenient and more versatile than traditional methods. Here are some of the most popular forms of digital marketing:

  • Website Content
  • Blogs
  • Online Advertising
  • Viral Marketing
  • Online video content
  • PPC (pay-per-click) advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Social media Marketing (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc)
  • Mobile marketing (SMS, MMS, etc)

Internet marketing not only helps you improve the visibility of your business and brand, it also increases website traffic and sales as well. Below are the top 5 reasons why digital marketing is important for your business.

1. It increases the visibility of your business

Nearly everything is done online these days, from buying movie tickets to buying appliances for the home. The internet has changed the way people shop significantly. Every company has to recognize this and be present on the internet. Internet marketing is beneficial for all types of businesses. It provides you with a way to extend your visibility to a larger population.

Consumers are buying almost everything online. Through digital marketing, you can engage with these people and increase the reach of your business. Google ads and brand recognition campaigns works best to improve brand recognition and the revenue of your business.

If you do not participate in these digital marketing strategies, you may miss the opportunity to reach out to many potential customers.

2. It Is Cost Efficient

One of the main benefits of digital marketing is that these tactics are affordable and effective as compared to traditional marketing. Businesses can use email, social media, and SEO-based content marketing at a much cheaper cost. Producing and distributing print advertising on radio stations or leading TV channels can cost you 5 times more money without a targeted audience.

Digital marketing strategies are not only cheaper but often also provide an attractive return on investments. In fact, content marketing is three times cheaper than some traditional marketing strategies.

Furthermore, marketers who publish relevant and valuable content regularly are 13 times more likely to generate a positive return on their investment. Content marketing is not an only affordable digital marketing strategy it provides an excellent return on investment. It offers you a lot more for your money.

3. It Improves Customer relations

A reason why digital marketing is essential to most popular brands is that it allows them to build better relationships with their customers while traditional marketing enables only one-way communication with consumers through their customer support channels.

Digital marketing enables communication in real time. This makes it easier for brands to respond effectively to problems and concerns their consumers face. Most brands use real-time chat support and handle customer issues in no time.

Another way is social media. It is a great tool for improving customer relationships. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter allow brands to communicate with their customers and engage them in a meaningful and honest manner.

When customers have questions or concerns, they often use social media to contact a company for information or solutions. Accelerating social networks enables organizations to address issues and concerns quickly before they escalate. By improving customer relationships, social networks play an important role in overall customer satisfaction, which can lead to repeated sales and customer referrals.

4. It Provides An Edge Over Competitors

Today, with the help of the internet, you can access and buy a wide range of products online. It is very important that every company maintain competition with local and online retailers and small businesses. This is only possible if companies use digital marketing platforms correctly.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, 76% of B2C marketers and 88% of B2B marketers use content marketing strategies and tools such as blogs to reach their target market.

Not only do brands use digital marketing strategies to reach their audiences, they continue to increase their budget on this. E-marketers forecasts show that spending on digital advertising will rise to $ 23 billion by 2020.

If you are not working to integrate digital marketing strategies into your organization’s overall marketing strategy, it is possible that your business will fall behind.

5. Gives You Authority

Maintaining an online presence allows companies the opportunity to show their customers that they are active, dynamic and looking for improvement and growth. The Internet allows local businesses to legitimize themselves as successful businesses and allows them to gain and maintain a broad customer base.

Businesses can showcase customer reviews, working hours, and all ins-outs of the business easily through GoogleMyBusines.


Are you ready to experience the difference that digital marketing can bring to your business? QualDev SEO services new york will help you harness the power of digital marketing strategies for your business. Contact us today for a digital marketing consultation or let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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How Can SEO Help An Online Diamond Jewelry Business? Mon, 27 May 2019 12:08:11 +0000 Just like any other business, the diamond jewelry business needs to keep pace with the fast-moving digital world. The internet and advanced e-commerce business models has the everyday consumer with many powers. While e-commerce has made it easy to approach new customers and retain existing ones, it has also increased the level of competition across …

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Just like any other business, the diamond jewelry business needs to keep pace with the fast-moving digital world. The internet and advanced e-commerce business models has the everyday consumer with many powers. While e-commerce has made it easy to approach new customers and retain existing ones, it has also increased the level of competition across the diamond industry.

In the modern age, most customers are very busy and have no time to devote to finding a perfect piece of diamond jewelry by visiting different brick and mortar stores. In fact, millennial are excessively busy and seldom look beyond the first page of Google search results. The consequence is, that only those who stand tall amid the top SERPs, bag the maximum number of leads to convert into sales, while you, without an SEO strategy, may regale forever on the 3rd or 4th page of Google search results, waiting in vain for your turn to come.

If you have been losing business for a while because of poor SEO practices, you should understand why Google friendly SEO services are important to gain back your competitive edge. However, before we check out what these practices are, let us first understand a bit about SEO for diamond jewelry business:

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search engine Optimization. In the layman’s language, SEO is a way to ensure that any person who search for stuff on Google have a way to know that you provide the service or product on your website. Once they visit your website, you can encourage them to make a purchase and convert them into loyal clients. SEO focuses on fetching traffic to your website from Google and other search engines, without incurring any expenses for ads.

Every search engine has a few free spots known as organic spots. With an effective SEO strategy, you can secure one of them. Therefore, whenever a potential customer searches for “best diamond jewelry” or a similar phrase on Google, your SEO strategy ensures you appear in the top results.

Are Google Friendly SEO Services Really Important?

You can spend hundreds of dollars to secure an ad spot on Google, or you can use a powerful SEO strategy and get it for free. This is by far one of the cheapest and most effective ways to advertise your business. After all, you get hundreds of clicks without running any paid campaigns. Also, it is recorded that customers perceive organic results as more authentic. If you have a great SEO partner doing the hard work for you, you can achieve a leading position on the SERPs, and maintain it for the long term. Search engines like Google are looking for better results for each search done using their platform and this can help you steer good traffic to your website.

What Does Google Want?

Google wants to stay at the top of the list of best search engines and for this, it must offer authentic and quality search results. So, the search engine is deadly serious about matching the customs query to the website pages and filtering out the best matches to show their visitors.
Some of the key points that Google cares about includes:

  • Relevant information
  • Trusted sources
  • Structured and quality content
  • Satisfied users
  • Proximity for Local SEO
  • Past website record
Google has been the master of the search engines for ages now. The master website has hands-on experience in assessing any and every website including all its pages to check for authentic information. Moreover, Google takes into account a number of factors that help them offer users the best match for their expectations. Trust us when we say that Google has become stricter than ever and has refined its tactics to ensure that only good website remain active, while the bad ones are banned or punished using different measures.

Depending upon your business goals and market position, the SEO agency you work with would recommend different ways for you to upgrade your rankings on Google Search pages. For example, Google considers websites with great links to be trusted websites that belong to trusted businesses. Proper use of this example provided you with a tool to improve your website’s ranking on Google SEPRs.

What Is The Secret Of SEO For the Diamond Jewelry Business?

SEO is not only about the present it is about the future as well. Many prospective clients would want to buy diamond jewelry in the future. As an active online business, you must keep an eye on these customers. This is where research and targeting plays a great role. SEO experts run a thorough R&D program to find the best keywords for your business, that your potential customers are going to use while searching for their favorite piece of diamond jewelry. SEO experts look for:

  • Relevant keywords
  • Frequently used search phrases
  • Local searches
  • Potential buyers
  • User’s expectations

Offer Google what it demands

Here we reach the final part, where having an SEO expert by your side is necessary. Offering Google, what it is looking for and sending the right signals is imperative. The ideal modus operandi that an SEO expert would use would include:

  • Updating your meta description
  • Adding and updating image alt-text
  • Upgrading or adding new and relevant content to the website
  • Create “backlink” with trusted sources
  • Find and troubleshoot page speed issues
  • Add “internal links”
  • Enhance the user- experience through various modes
  • Evaluate and reorganize website menus
The accurate practices of SEO are too broad to write down. However, these are key things that you must know about to understand what SEO can do for the Diamond jewelry business.

Does SEO Intimidate You?

If you find all this information way too much to process, you can relax knowing that it is not necessary for you to know everything about SEO. However, you should look for an agency that offers local SEO for jewelers to ensure you gain and maintain the top ranking on Google’s search results pages and enjoy great traffic coming in. An SEO expert would add value to your website, helping you become one of Google’s favorite.


SEO is key to the success of your diamond business. It allows you to unleash your businesses potential. To make a prominent presence in the saturated diamond market, you need to appear at the top of search rankings so that people know about you and perceive you as a brand. Good SEO strategies promote the visibility of your diamond business online and build a good image in front of prospective customers. Thus, if you have not invested in SEO yet, it is high time to get SEO done for your diamond business website. Quality investment in SEO can lead you towards success and better ROIs.

The post How Can SEO Help An Online Diamond Jewelry Business? appeared first on QualDev.

Why Visitors Abandon Your Website and How to Retain Them Thu, 17 Jan 2019 12:12:04 +0000 Every web-store owner finds joy in ranking at the top and attracting a lot of traffic. However, these fortunes turn when traffic does not translate into sales. According to conversion rate experts, several factors cause people to abandon your website. Here are some of the issues that cause them to leave An Outdated Design Like …

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Every web-store owner finds joy in ranking at the top and attracting a lot of traffic. However, these fortunes turn when traffic does not translate into sales. According to conversion rate experts, several factors cause people to abandon your website. Here are some of the issues that cause them to leave

  • An Outdated Design

Like houses and malls, people want to be a website whose design is current and appealing. There are designs that will put off visitors automatically. These designs are at times hard to read and make the presentation of your content less appealing. When given an option, visitors will abandon and leave your website for another. Update the design of your website to provide room for new plugins and attractive features. Avoid templates that are generic and fail to provide you with a chance to customize your page.

  • Content that is Difficult to Read

Internet readers have a lower concentration span than people who read books. Your digital marketing strategy will fail if the content on your website proves difficult to read. Draft content that is simple, clear and precise. It should be relevant to the subject of your website. The presentation of content on your website should be in the best format possible. This calls for simple sentences, headings, and subheadings. Use bullets and numbers to make it easier to follow your story. Where proses are used, make the sentences and paragraphs simple. Readers want to extract information as fast as possible. If the content is presented haphazardly, finding relevant information will be a huge challenge.

  • Too Many Ads

It is difficult to tell advertisers that you do not need their money. However, do not prioritize the need to advertisers over the needs of your readers. Make a decision to restrict the number of ads to avoid overwhelming your readers. Too many ads will crowd a page and make it difficult for a reader to focus on the content of your article. It gets worse when the ads pop up over content and the visitor has no control over what to do with these ads. Restrict these ads to maintain traffic over time.

  • Auto-Play Videos on Your Site

Auto-play videos are a real turn-off. Visitors may feel that you are forcing them to consume content and ads that are not even relevant to their needs. Visitors should have the right to click on videos that they deem relevant to them. Some videos have their controls hidden. This means that the visitor does not have control over when to stop the video or control the volume, on screen size and such other elements. Work with specialist SEO services to develop a strategy for videos that will work for your clients. Do not abandon videos, because, they remain the most interactive way to communicate with clients.

  • Registration Requirements

It is common to ask visitors to provide personal information for your marketing strategies. However, you cannot force them to provide this information. Asking for information should be a natural act that is also voluntary. Forcing visitors to register will prompt them to abandon your page. Conversion rate experts recommend an optional registration process. This is one where the visitor has a choice to register if they want. In case it is mandatory to register, there must be benefits accrued from the registration. They could include receiving a newsletter, future recognition and low prices, or other such offers. Beyond abandoning your site, visitors will not return if they find hindrances while navigating.

  • Poor Navigation Map

Every website should have a reception desk. The reception area helps the visitor find their way around your website. Once they land on a page, it should be easy for them to find information that they need. This information may be present on pages like those for services, sales, news, trends and the contact us page among others. There are pages that should be easy to find like those that provide information about services, your website, and business and your contact information. If a customer finds it difficult to locate information or pages they need, he or she will never return to your site. The best digital marketing strategy is to develop an effective navigation map that simplifies access to information on your website. Create a map at the initial landing page from where visitors can access pages with a single click.

  • Generic Sites

Branding is as important online as in the real world. A website needs to have a personality. Improper branding affects the perception visitors have of your brand. They are looking for a website that looks like the brand they know. Visitors expect High-end brands to have sophisticated websites. Experts in SEO services will help you develop a website that projects your brand perfectly. Such a website uses images and colors that are familiar to your customers. This makes it easy for them to identify the information and services you provide through your website. The character of a website can be determined by the categories of goods and services, pages available, colors, graphics, and overall experience, among other elements. Work with specialists to give your website a character that is similar to that of your brand.

  • Slow Loading Speed

Slow page loading is an issue that will cause you to lose even the most loyal customers. The average waiting period for a website to load is usually two seconds. This should be both on a computer as well as on mobile. If the site fails to load within three seconds, most visitors will abandon it. Customer satisfaction falls with every second that they are forced to wait. According to conversion rate experts, optimizing the load speed of your web pages should be a priority for all website owners. Work with a web host who can guarantee excellent speeds. Do not use too many images and graphics as they can make your content heavy and cause it to load slowly. By improving the load speed of pages, you will retain most visitors that land on your site.

There are many other reasons people abandon your website, some of which are unique to the site. Abandonment can and will slow down your digital marketing strategy. The secret is to work with seasoned SEO services to develop a website and strategy that will keep visitors to your site engaged for the longest time possible. The likelihood of visitors returning increases when they have a reason to spend more time on your website.

The post Why Visitors Abandon Your Website and How to Retain Them appeared first on QualDev.

What is Canonical Tag and How It Helps in SEO? Wed, 16 Jan 2013 19:50:16 +0000 The word ‘canonical’ in the language of search engines, is the preferred version of a site’s URL that is given importance by all the major search engines. The canonical tag is a little piece of code that place in the header of your web page along with your Meta tags. A canonical tag would look …

The post What is Canonical Tag and How It Helps in SEO? appeared first on QualDev.

The word ‘canonical’ in the language of search engines, is the preferred version of a site’s URL that is given importance by all the major search engines.

The canonical tag is a little piece of code that place in the header of your web page along with your Meta tags.

A canonical tag would look like this – <link rel=”canonical” href=”” />

What is the use of Canonical tags

Canonical tags serve as a guiding factor to divert the link popularity of web pages you would want to avoid, so preventing search engines from diluting popularity over duplicate content.

These tags are extensively used to elaborate the details about the versions of web pages that you want to index by the search engine.

Who recommends having Conical Tags?

Yahoo!, Live & Google announced that they will be supporting a new “canonical URL tag” to help webmasters and site owners eliminate self-created duplicate content in websites.

What is the disadvantage of duplicate content?

Sites suffer rankings and traffic loss, and search engines suffer lowered relevancy. Thus, in order to overcome these problems, search engines recommend the use of Canonical URLs.

When Should Use Canonical Tag?

SEOs suggest you have Canonical URL tags applied whenever any of the following scenarios arise:

WWW versus Non-WWW

Your website generates the share multiple links to go to the same page. Like & will lead to the same page

Pagination or Filtering

When there are multiple pages in a website that could have the similar content; i.e. either the products are similar but only differ by color or other options, or the pages are produced by different sort orders like “by price” or some other variable, that essentially produces the same content.

Tracking Codes or Session IDs

Many technologies require that you add a tracking variable on the end of URLs that either link to your site or link internally. The format is similar to

  • or might look like


Here are some classic variations of the home page URL.



With the canonical tag, you can specify your preferred version of a page’s URL. In the case of the home page, it should be or, depending upon the version you choose to be your standard domain name.

Where should you place Canonical Tag?

You should place the canonical tag in the head section of a web page.

<link rel=”canonical” href=”” />

Why should you use canonical tag?

These tags are meant to help Google and other search engines. It helps search engines to identify the preferred version of a web page which needs to index. Recent updates by Google have been helpful in increasing the importance of canonical tags, letting you know which website is a good source of information from among the pages that you may require to duplicate for displaying similar information at other destinations.

If all the canonical tags happen to refer only the main page of your website, then other inner pages would disappear from the search engine results. It is advisable to place canonical tags on a real canonical page.

Reputed seo services provider use these tags to help search engines control web page indexing. For example, if your website has printer friendly web pages then specify the ones that you want to index. It’s extremely helpful for eCommerce website in many situations.

Canonical tags are very helpful in generating maximum link popularity of a duplicate page by highlighting the original one from among all duplicates.


The post What is Canonical Tag and How It Helps in SEO? appeared first on QualDev.

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