boost ecommerce sales – QualDev eCommerce Website Development & Design Company New York Tue, 23 Jul 2019 13:08:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why Visitors Abandon Your Website and How to Retain Them Thu, 17 Jan 2019 12:12:04 +0000 Every web-store owner finds joy in ranking at the top and attracting a lot of traffic. However, these fortunes turn when traffic does not translate into sales. According to conversion rate experts, several factors cause people to abandon your website. Here are some of the issues that cause them to leave An Outdated Design Like …

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Every web-store owner finds joy in ranking at the top and attracting a lot of traffic. However, these fortunes turn when traffic does not translate into sales. According to conversion rate experts, several factors cause people to abandon your website. Here are some of the issues that cause them to leave

  • An Outdated Design

Like houses and malls, people want to be a website whose design is current and appealing. There are designs that will put off visitors automatically. These designs are at times hard to read and make the presentation of your content less appealing. When given an option, visitors will abandon and leave your website for another. Update the design of your website to provide room for new plugins and attractive features. Avoid templates that are generic and fail to provide you with a chance to customize your page.

  • Content that is Difficult to Read

Internet readers have a lower concentration span than people who read books. Your digital marketing strategy will fail if the content on your website proves difficult to read. Draft content that is simple, clear and precise. It should be relevant to the subject of your website. The presentation of content on your website should be in the best format possible. This calls for simple sentences, headings, and subheadings. Use bullets and numbers to make it easier to follow your story. Where proses are used, make the sentences and paragraphs simple. Readers want to extract information as fast as possible. If the content is presented haphazardly, finding relevant information will be a huge challenge.

  • Too Many Ads

It is difficult to tell advertisers that you do not need their money. However, do not prioritize the need to advertisers over the needs of your readers. Make a decision to restrict the number of ads to avoid overwhelming your readers. Too many ads will crowd a page and make it difficult for a reader to focus on the content of your article. It gets worse when the ads pop up over content and the visitor has no control over what to do with these ads. Restrict these ads to maintain traffic over time.

  • Auto-Play Videos on Your Site

Auto-play videos are a real turn-off. Visitors may feel that you are forcing them to consume content and ads that are not even relevant to their needs. Visitors should have the right to click on videos that they deem relevant to them. Some videos have their controls hidden. This means that the visitor does not have control over when to stop the video or control the volume, on screen size and such other elements. Work with specialist SEO services to develop a strategy for videos that will work for your clients. Do not abandon videos, because, they remain the most interactive way to communicate with clients.

  • Registration Requirements

It is common to ask visitors to provide personal information for your marketing strategies. However, you cannot force them to provide this information. Asking for information should be a natural act that is also voluntary. Forcing visitors to register will prompt them to abandon your page. Conversion rate experts recommend an optional registration process. This is one where the visitor has a choice to register if they want. In case it is mandatory to register, there must be benefits accrued from the registration. They could include receiving a newsletter, future recognition and low prices, or other such offers. Beyond abandoning your site, visitors will not return if they find hindrances while navigating.

  • Poor Navigation Map

Every website should have a reception desk. The reception area helps the visitor find their way around your website. Once they land on a page, it should be easy for them to find information that they need. This information may be present on pages like those for services, sales, news, trends and the contact us page among others. There are pages that should be easy to find like those that provide information about services, your website, and business and your contact information. If a customer finds it difficult to locate information or pages they need, he or she will never return to your site. The best digital marketing strategy is to develop an effective navigation map that simplifies access to information on your website. Create a map at the initial landing page from where visitors can access pages with a single click.

  • Generic Sites

Branding is as important online as in the real world. A website needs to have a personality. Improper branding affects the perception visitors have of your brand. They are looking for a website that looks like the brand they know. Visitors expect High-end brands to have sophisticated websites. Experts in SEO services will help you develop a website that projects your brand perfectly. Such a website uses images and colors that are familiar to your customers. This makes it easy for them to identify the information and services you provide through your website. The character of a website can be determined by the categories of goods and services, pages available, colors, graphics, and overall experience, among other elements. Work with specialists to give your website a character that is similar to that of your brand.

  • Slow Loading Speed

Slow page loading is an issue that will cause you to lose even the most loyal customers. The average waiting period for a website to load is usually two seconds. This should be both on a computer as well as on mobile. If the site fails to load within three seconds, most visitors will abandon it. Customer satisfaction falls with every second that they are forced to wait. According to conversion rate experts, optimizing the load speed of your web pages should be a priority for all website owners. Work with a web host who can guarantee excellent speeds. Do not use too many images and graphics as they can make your content heavy and cause it to load slowly. By improving the load speed of pages, you will retain most visitors that land on your site.

There are many other reasons people abandon your website, some of which are unique to the site. Abandonment can and will slow down your digital marketing strategy. The secret is to work with seasoned SEO services to develop a website and strategy that will keep visitors to your site engaged for the longest time possible. The likelihood of visitors returning increases when they have a reason to spend more time on your website.

The post Why Visitors Abandon Your Website and How to Retain Them appeared first on QualDev.

Proven Ways to Boost Sales and Visibility of eCommerce Stores Fri, 16 Nov 2018 07:43:22 +0000 Each new development in the field of technology provides a major boost to the e-commerce sector. These days, most people prefer to purchase a product online from an ecommerce store instead of going to a local store. With digital marketing techniques improving and progressing in every aspect, ecommerce owners are figuring out new strategies to …

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Each new development in the field of technology provides a major boost to the e-commerce sector. These days, most people prefer to purchase a product online from an ecommerce store instead of going to a local store.

With digital marketing techniques improving and progressing in every aspect, ecommerce owners are figuring out new strategies to market their products and attract more consumers. Launching an online store is only one integral part of the journey.

It is very important to adopt the right techniques to convert visitors to your website into potential consumers. Some of the ways to boost sales and visibility on the ecommerce store are as follows:

Develop your website on a secure platform

A trusted ecommerce development company will always develop sites on a secure platform like Magento. If you already have one, consider making it more flexible.

The overall product navigation on the site must be flexible and user-friendly, so that visitors can find the right product that they are looking for, easily.

Amore over, ecommerce sites must be secure enough in terms of payment getaway so that consumers can purchase products seamlessly without any hassle.

Focus on your landing page

It is very important for an ecommerce owner to focus on the landing page of their website. This is the first page that consumers see when they visit your site. You need to make your consumers aware of the USP of the products you sell.

Displaying a “Top selling products” or “latest products” section on the landing page can attract more customers who would eventually make a purchase.

As a website owner if you are looking for a Magento ecommerce development company, ensure that the company experts stress on improving the landing page of your site on a priority basis.

Work on the search functionality

You need to put yourself in the shoes of a customer who urgently needs to buy a product. This would help you understand things from the consumer’s perspective and work on improving the functionality of your site accurately.

As a consumer, you would want to search for a product quickly, check the product details from the results page, read reviews, look at the price and then proceed towards making payment. You need to provide your consumers with this seamless user experience.

The search results of your website should also be able to come up with the right list of products. As a website owner, you need to keep things in place and ensure that the conversion process is smooth enough for your customers.

Make your store available on mobile phones

A responsive ecommerce website is what every consumer looks for these days. With most individuals using mobile phones these days, the mobile version of your store is of utmost importance.

Your mobile application can let you connect to more consumers and can enhance the visibility of your ecommerce store. Therefore, for people who wish to stay ahead of their competition and boost sales on their store, it is important to have a mobile version of your store.

Keep product details crisp and clear

Product details are an important part of any ecommerce site. Keeping product details updated and maintaining product attributes and features is of great importance these days.

Include key features and bullet points to make product details short and clear. Provide the ecommerce development company you hire for your website with high-quality images of the products you sell so that they can add them to your website.

The right kind of images and description are a powerful tool that attracts consumers. So, add product description clearly, add more images and videos to make it interesting for your consumers.

Introduce cross selling and up selling

It is important that ecommerce owners introduce cross-selling and upselling on their website to boost sales revenue online. This can offer consumers a better shopping experience and boost your online sales largely.

However, always keep in mind that the products you are selling must be relevant to the main featured product. The extra products that you offer must be relevant to the original product and should add value to it.

Add user reviews

Looking for product reviews has become an integral part of the buying process. Reviews play a major role in building trust, especially when your ecommerce site is new.

As an ecommerce site owner, make it a point to include product reviews on your product detail pages. You can also send customers emails asking them for product reviews. You could provide customers with incentives in the form of discount coupons to encourage them to leave their reviews.

Try to reduce shopping cart abandonment

One of the main issues with any ecommerce site is that users abandon their shopping cart before they make a purchase. This can frustrate ecommerce owners. Consumers may not be happy with the shipping charges or the delivery method.

Also, the shopping process might be very lengthy, and consumers may feel lost midway. Often, consumers are worried about the security of online payment getaways on an ecommerce store.

So, if you are looking for a reliable ecommerce development company, ensure that they work on cart abandonment issues to reduce problems at the earliest.


These are some of the most important ways to boost sales and visibility at the same time on your ecommerce store. To sum up, developing website on a secure platform, focusing on the details you provide on product landing pages and improving the search functionality of your website should aid online visibility and ecommerce store sales at the same time.

Adding user reviews, clear and short product descriptions, high-quality videos and images of the products you are selling is always a great idea to reach out to more consumers and convince them to purchase products from your store.

Do not forget to introduce the concept of cross-selling and upselling along with the original product that you are selling. The ecommerce developers you hire must also try to reduce shopping cart abandonment and develop a mobile version of your ecommerce store for better online visibility.

The post Proven Ways to Boost Sales and Visibility of eCommerce Stores appeared first on QualDev.
