local seo – QualDev https://www.qualdev.com eCommerce Website Development & Design Company New York Fri, 25 Mar 2022 13:28:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Biggest SEO Trends and How You Can Capitalize On Them in 2022 https://www.qualdev.com/the-biggest-seo-trends-and-how-you-can-capitalize-on-them-in-2022/ Thu, 24 Mar 2022 10:57:49 +0000 https://www.qualdev.com/?p=3340 Search engine optimization (SEO) improves a website or an app’s presence (or ranking) in the search results returned by a search engine. It is one of the youngest marketing disciplines and is evolving at an incredibly fast pace. Just like the all-powerful Google algorithm, the SEO industry is unpredictable. Enhancing page visibility and organic traffic …

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Search engine optimization (SEO) improves a website or an app’s presence (or ranking) in the search results returned by a search engine. It is one of the youngest marketing disciplines and is evolving at an incredibly fast pace. Just like the all-powerful Google algorithm, the SEO industry is unpredictable. Enhancing page visibility and organic traffic is, for all the right reasons, a prime focus for every business and digital marketer.

The only constant in the world is change; and making changes to your SEO strategy is essential, to progress. Now is an ideal time to plan your digital marketing campaigns for the coming season. The team at QualDev, an ecommerce website development company, has developed a list of the most important SEO trends for 2022 and how businesses can leverage them.

Top 7 SEO Trends for 2022 and Beyond

1. Google’s EAT principle

When it comes to SEO, few things remain the same. Google’s EAT principle is one of them. EAT stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. These three elements help a search engine decide how to rank pages on the results page for a given search. EAT is not the algorithm itself, but the framework on which it is based.

A few ways to ensure you get the basics of SEO right include –

  • Having positive customer reviews
  • Using just the right language (to help someone searching for your services find your website)
  • Linking to other digital assets that lead to your site
  • Creating and optimizing content that is likely to be shared (blogs, articles, or videos that will capture the attention of your target audience)

2. Core Web Vitals Optimization

Core Web Vitals is a quantifiable analysis of the pages on your website or app. It is now officially a Google ranking factor. Core Web Vitals include the following performance metrics –

  • LCP – The amount of time it takes the largest content asset on the page to load.
  • First Input Delay (FID) – The time your site takes to respond to a user’s first interaction.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – A count of the number of unexpected layout shifts that occur during the lifespan of the page.

Google has verified that starting May 2021, Core Web Vitals will determine the rank of a page. However, at the end of the year announcement, Google said that the impact would be limited to mobile search results.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

SEO is rooted in shifting sands. The rules and most promising practices continually evolve. Tracking the shifts and implementing affiliated strategies might be more than challenging. Fortunately, thanks to novel AI-powered technology, you do not need to hire a whole unit to tackle your SEO needs. The standout point of AI is that it is always learning, changing, and evolving – precisely what you want for your SEO. AI-based SEO is both the present and the future of assuring that your website ranks where it should – at the top.

4. Mobile-friendly Websites

Mobile device usage has skyrocketed in the past few years. Nearly every person has a smart phone now, and the number of people using them to find things on the internet is increasing as these devices become more accessible. Mobile SEO is the process of optimizing your website to ensure your site looks great and performs optimally on mobile devices. Providing users with a positive experience by ensuring that your website works seamlessly on any device, regardless of the size of its screen goes a long way towards bolstering your company’s mobile SEO strategy.

5. Keyword Clustering

Keyword research is the foundation of SEO. As Google’s natural language processing (NLP) technology becomes progressive, effective keyword targeting has evolved beyond being a complicated process. Google ranks your landing pages for multiple keywords and not just a single word. Keyword clustering can help to level up your total keyword rankings as it makes use of the principle of using numerous keywords with similar search intent to propel web pages that target those “clusters.”

6. Local SEO

Locals love locals. You should update the listings of your website or online business from a regional standpoint. The listings should have accurate local information about your business. Doing so provides you with a massive plus point in SEO. In a few minutes, your customer can check your address, phone number, hours of operation, product listings, etc. If you cite your city, community, metro area, and neighborhood on your website and develop a local SEO strategy, you will get visits from a more relevant audience. Good ecommerce website development company will prioritize this.

7. Voice Search

Alexa and Siri have been with us for a couple of years now. They are our friends who make life easy. However, what does that mean for SEO? You should hire a pro to optimize voice search. Content-based questions, relevant answers, and a complete discussion can also bring in those users who prefer voice searches rather than typing in what they are looking for.

Looking at 2022 and Beyond from an SEO Perspective

An Updated and optimized website with truthful, relevant information tends to rank high. SEO is a fast-paced industry. The people who were quick to “get it” found themselves ahead of their slower-moving competitors.

If your business is failing to surge ahead of competitors in terms of online presence and digital marketing, it means only one thing – you need to revisit and rethink your SEO approach. Get in touch with the QualDev team to understand how we help small, mid-sized, and large businesses establish and expand their online presence using highly effective and future-ready SEO strategies. Explore the range of SEO services and solutions we offer.

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Which Businesses Benefits From Local SEO Strategies? https://www.qualdev.com/which-businesses-benefits-from-local-seo-strategies/ Fri, 06 Mar 2020 23:40:52 +0000 https://www.qualdev.com/?p=2450 According to a recent study, 86% of individuals use search engines to find services and products online. What is more, out of those 86% of individuals, 64% of them are local customers, and they use search engines and online directories as their fundamental source to locate a business that is close to them. This implies …

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According to a recent study, 86% of individuals use search engines to find services and products online. What is more, out of those 86% of individuals, 64% of them are local customers, and they use search engines and online directories as their fundamental source to locate a business that is close to them. This implies that if you are a local business, you have a decent opportunity to get found for search terms that are significant to your business.

Every organization that targets the local market can benefit from local SEO; however, there are some specific business types for which local search can bring out some incredible results. Let us take a look at six of the big ones.

1. Medical Services

The main reason a doctor or hospital need to use targeted local SEO is to get the top spot on search results in their locality. With a solid SEO strategy, people will find them based on the keywords they target when they use an organic search approach. Suppose, if you are an orthopedic surgeon, and you will want that when someone writes “spine surgery” while searching on Google, they should find your office; or if you are a dentist, and you want the when someone searches using the term “dentist near me” your name appears first; SEO will help you achieve this.

Do you know, 85% of people in the United States use the Internet to get medical information? They want to know what treatment options are available to them, why they have specific symptoms, how to control a disease, and when to see a doctor. If you can answer these questions, you will benefit considerably when you use local SEO strategies.

2. Cafes, Restaurants, and Bars

These sorts of organizations mainly profit from local map listings and client reviews. People mostly search the web to find the best local businesses and local deals. With this in mind, if you run a cafe, a restaurant, a bar of a similar organization, get yourself registered on “Google My Business” and ask your clients to review your business online so that you can attract hundreds of new clients.

While incredible content provides massive fuel for effective SEO in various industries, reviews have the potential to make or break the local search ranking for a pub or restaurant. So, optimizing your content following the AIDA rule, gather genuine client reviews, and you will see how Local SEO can work wonders for your businesses.

3. Photographers

Blogging works best for the photography business. If you take stunning photographs and wish to exhibit your talent, then, nothing beats exposure on social media channels. Showcase your skills on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and similar channels. You can show off your Photoshop abilities on YouTube. What is more, if individuals begin to admire your work, you never know, you can turn into a sensation on social media.

4. Law Offices

When people need any legal advice, they generally look for experts in their local region. Therefore, it is very important for businesses like law firms to appearing in local searches. There are various things a law firm can do to enhance their regional rankings. First, they need to optimize their site by using appropriate keywords, so that they appear on search result pages for the term; for instance, when someone is looking for a ‘divorce attorney’.

Another important factor that affects the rank on local searches, is online reviews. Because of the unfortunate stigma encompassing lawyers, third-party validation is very significant for potential clients. In this manner, law firms should put forth an effort to gather client reviews on popular platforms like Google and Yelp.

5. Plumbers

If a tap is leaking or a pipe breaks in your house, you would need immediate help. What will you do? You would probably go to Google and look for plumbers in your area. With the help of the right local SEO campaign, you can get a high rank on Google, and you can steer people to your website at no cost. Also, it does not cost you anything to get hired. Potential visitors and free conversions make local SEO one of the most profitable ways to promote and market your plumbing business. A second advantage is that most plumbing companies do not pay attention to, or make only minimal efforts, to optimize their local listings. The result of these factors is that, if you run a solid SEO campaign, you will be on the first page of Google within 30 days.

6. Real Estate

Real estate businesses need to focus on their local SEO strategies as well. Because of gigantic real estate marketplaces like Zillow and Trulia ranking on top spots, small local real estate agencies need to build a solid plan to achieve the right search presence. Businesses that are successful in the real estate market carry out in-depth keyword research and focus more on long-tail keywords. For instance, if an agency attempts to rank for terms like “houses for sale,” they are going to find themselves tragically stuck between high DA websites, which have a strong hold of the top search result spots.

If you are new or just starting out in the business, focus on creating pages for specific regional markets or even neighborhoods in your area, with the use of long-tail keywords, such as “3bhk house for sale in Houston”. It would be best if you keep the content on your pages as specific as possible. The more specific you will be, the higher the chance of you achieving a high ranking.


Irrespective of your business or service, if you streamline your site well, you will find it is hard to remain anonymous on Google. Google cherishes local SEO because it depends on a little objective audience, geographic-explicit keywords, regional importance, reviews, and substantially more. Harnessing the exposure for local searched will assist you to accomplish greater visibility and a large number of potential clients. If you are looking for local SEO services in the USA, contact us for the best services.

The post Which Businesses Benefits From Local SEO Strategies? appeared first on QualDev.

How Can SEO Help An Online Diamond Jewelry Business? https://www.qualdev.com/how-can-seo-help-an-online-diamond-jewelry-business/ Mon, 27 May 2019 12:08:11 +0000 https://www.qualdev.com/?p=1814 Just like any other business, the diamond jewelry business needs to keep pace with the fast-moving digital world. The internet and advanced e-commerce business models has the everyday consumer with many powers. While e-commerce has made it easy to approach new customers and retain existing ones, it has also increased the level of competition across …

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Just like any other business, the diamond jewelry business needs to keep pace with the fast-moving digital world. The internet and advanced e-commerce business models has the everyday consumer with many powers. While e-commerce has made it easy to approach new customers and retain existing ones, it has also increased the level of competition across the diamond industry.

In the modern age, most customers are very busy and have no time to devote to finding a perfect piece of diamond jewelry by visiting different brick and mortar stores. In fact, millennial are excessively busy and seldom look beyond the first page of Google search results. The consequence is, that only those who stand tall amid the top SERPs, bag the maximum number of leads to convert into sales, while you, without an SEO strategy, may regale forever on the 3rd or 4th page of Google search results, waiting in vain for your turn to come.

If you have been losing business for a while because of poor SEO practices, you should understand why Google friendly SEO services are important to gain back your competitive edge. However, before we check out what these practices are, let us first understand a bit about SEO for diamond jewelry business:

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search engine Optimization. In the layman’s language, SEO is a way to ensure that any person who search for stuff on Google have a way to know that you provide the service or product on your website. Once they visit your website, you can encourage them to make a purchase and convert them into loyal clients. SEO focuses on fetching traffic to your website from Google and other search engines, without incurring any expenses for ads.

Every search engine has a few free spots known as organic spots. With an effective SEO strategy, you can secure one of them. Therefore, whenever a potential customer searches for “best diamond jewelry” or a similar phrase on Google, your SEO strategy ensures you appear in the top results.

Are Google Friendly SEO Services Really Important?

You can spend hundreds of dollars to secure an ad spot on Google, or you can use a powerful SEO strategy and get it for free. This is by far one of the cheapest and most effective ways to advertise your business. After all, you get hundreds of clicks without running any paid campaigns. Also, it is recorded that customers perceive organic results as more authentic. If you have a great SEO partner doing the hard work for you, you can achieve a leading position on the SERPs, and maintain it for the long term. Search engines like Google are looking for better results for each search done using their platform and this can help you steer good traffic to your website.

What Does Google Want?

Google wants to stay at the top of the list of best search engines and for this, it must offer authentic and quality search results. So, the search engine is deadly serious about matching the customs query to the website pages and filtering out the best matches to show their visitors.
Some of the key points that Google cares about includes:

  • Relevant information
  • Trusted sources
  • Structured and quality content
  • Satisfied users
  • Proximity for Local SEO
  • Past website record
Google has been the master of the search engines for ages now. The master website has hands-on experience in assessing any and every website including all its pages to check for authentic information. Moreover, Google takes into account a number of factors that help them offer users the best match for their expectations. Trust us when we say that Google has become stricter than ever and has refined its tactics to ensure that only good website remain active, while the bad ones are banned or punished using different measures.

Depending upon your business goals and market position, the SEO agency you work with would recommend different ways for you to upgrade your rankings on Google Search pages. For example, Google considers websites with great links to be trusted websites that belong to trusted businesses. Proper use of this example provided you with a tool to improve your website’s ranking on Google SEPRs.

What Is The Secret Of SEO For the Diamond Jewelry Business?

SEO is not only about the present it is about the future as well. Many prospective clients would want to buy diamond jewelry in the future. As an active online business, you must keep an eye on these customers. This is where research and targeting plays a great role. SEO experts run a thorough R&D program to find the best keywords for your business, that your potential customers are going to use while searching for their favorite piece of diamond jewelry. SEO experts look for:

  • Relevant keywords
  • Frequently used search phrases
  • Local searches
  • Potential buyers
  • User’s expectations

Offer Google what it demands

Here we reach the final part, where having an SEO expert by your side is necessary. Offering Google, what it is looking for and sending the right signals is imperative. The ideal modus operandi that an SEO expert would use would include:

  • Updating your meta description
  • Adding and updating image alt-text
  • Upgrading or adding new and relevant content to the website
  • Create “backlink” with trusted sources
  • Find and troubleshoot page speed issues
  • Add “internal links”
  • Enhance the user- experience through various modes
  • Evaluate and reorganize website menus
The accurate practices of SEO are too broad to write down. However, these are key things that you must know about to understand what SEO can do for the Diamond jewelry business.

Does SEO Intimidate You?

If you find all this information way too much to process, you can relax knowing that it is not necessary for you to know everything about SEO. However, you should look for an agency that offers local SEO for jewelers to ensure you gain and maintain the top ranking on Google’s search results pages and enjoy great traffic coming in. An SEO expert would add value to your website, helping you become one of Google’s favorite.


SEO is key to the success of your diamond business. It allows you to unleash your businesses potential. To make a prominent presence in the saturated diamond market, you need to appear at the top of search rankings so that people know about you and perceive you as a brand. Good SEO strategies promote the visibility of your diamond business online and build a good image in front of prospective customers. Thus, if you have not invested in SEO yet, it is high time to get SEO done for your diamond business website. Quality investment in SEO can lead you towards success and better ROIs.

The post How Can SEO Help An Online Diamond Jewelry Business? appeared first on QualDev.

How to Optimize Your Website For Local Search https://www.qualdev.com/optimize-website-for-local-search/ https://www.qualdev.com/optimize-website-for-local-search/#respond Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:45:15 +0000 https://www.qualdev.com/?p=209 Nearly 64% of shoppers admit to using their phones to research local products and services before purchasing. When we compare this to the finding that 70% of local consumers trust online business reviews or that, 11- 15% of businesses have claimed their Google Places local listings, we see a lot of potential customers that are …

The post How to Optimize Your Website For Local Search appeared first on QualDev.

Nearly 64% of shoppers admit to using their phones to research local products and services before purchasing.

When we compare this to the finding that 70% of local consumers trust online business reviews or that, 11- 15% of businesses have claimed their Google Places local listings, we see a lot of potential customers that are yet untapped.

Any business that gets some or all of its customers or clients locally should consider local SEO. The business could be a local restaurant, retail outlet; doctor’s, dentist or lawyer’s office, or just as easily be a local ad agency.

If you have a physical address in a city and expect people to go there, you should get Local SEO covered for that location.

To most people getting ‘Local SEO covered’ looks easier said than done, so we put together a list of the Local SEO services that we QualDev Inc., provide our customers.

Check out the below guide to optimize your website for local search and improve your website visibility:

Perform Competitors Analysis (Local or National)

Unless you are offering a groundbreaking new product or a niche-carving service, you are bound to have competitors who are snapping at your heels if not already ahead of you by miles.

Whether you are a new entrant or an established business house, the task of garnering a respectable online market share in a crowded marketplace is a difficult task.

We carry out a thorough analysis of all keywords the competition use. We then apply necessary changes to help your website achieve better rankings on search-engine result pages for the same set of keywords.

Our specialized process helps us understand the strategies your competitors employ. This in turn enables us to reposition your website’s SEO strategies, so that it scores over your competitors in search engine rankings.

Perform Keyword Research and Marketplace Research

The first step when starting an online marketing campaign involves keyword research, to ensure that you target the correct terms necessary for directing your campaign to success.

However, making sure you select the right keywords can be difficult, as you need to consider many factors simultaneously.

With our keyword services, we help identify the right keywords for your business, so that the traffic directed to your website is relevant, resulting in more conversions.

Selecting the right keywords is not just a case of knowing which keywords are searched for the most and with the greatest volume but a case of finding those with the right intent, that will send paying customers to your website and improve your bottom line.

With our keyword research service, we look at all the possible keywords in your industry to find those terms that will provide high numbers of qualified traffic in line with your business goals.

Onpage Optimization For Local Search

During this phase, we incorporate the keywords you selected into existing pages or new pages created on your website. Here we adjust keyword saturation and density (2-3%) to suit requirements that help achieve top 10 ranking.

This process involves modifying and optimizing vital areas of your site’s source code, making and implementing several level adjustments to guarantee that your site is search engine friendly.

We focus on important factors, like

  • Keyword density, relevancy, synonyms and position
  • Page markup key-phrase factors including syntactical accuracy, page code structure, title tags, meta tags, hyperlink tags, and image alt tags
  • H1/H2/H3 HTML Tags
  • Canonical home page issues (Duplication of URL)

XML and HTML sitemaps: creation, implementation

XML and HTML sitemap files are simple files that contain information about important URLs on your website. The information stored in these files help search engine robots better spider your site.

We create Geo XML sitemap, that includes your company details and link it to your live website as well as add the geo sitemap in Google webmaster tools; and HTML sitemaps that provide users with direct links to individual category and product pages on your websites.

Robots.txt: creation, implementation, optimization

The Robot Exclusion Standard, also known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol or robots.txt protocol, is a convention to prevent cooperating web crawlers and other web robots from accessing all or parts of a website that is otherwise not publicly viewable.

This ensures that users do not get links to irrelevant pages, like a blank page or something that says you do not have permission to view from the search engine results they rely on.

This type of experience can be frustrating and in all likelihood when you faced a similar situation, you clicked the back button on your web browser quite quickly.

With robots.txt optimization, we submit only important pages with actual information for indexing by search engines.

Robots.txt creation and robots.txt optimization mean that the important pages on your website have better chances to make it to the top of the search results page, while pages that should remain hidden do not eat into the ranking.

When robots ‘crawl’ this file, they are informed and know exactly what to look at and what not to look at.

Add Rich snippets code for your business on the site

Snippets — the few lines of text that appear under every search result—are designed to give users a sense for what is on the page and why it is relevant to their query.

We use structured data testing tool to make sure that Google can read and extract your marked-up data to provide relevant information in snippets.

Create Google My Business Page

According to GlobalWebIndex, 97% of consumers search for local businesses online.

This means that your business information needs to be readily available to all search engines. A Google My Business Page allows your customers to find your business profile on Google which contains your business hours, address, phone number, much more information regarding your business all in one place.

This information is displayed within a Google Search, so you want to make sure your information is accurate and up to date.

Claiming your business profile on Google My Business is a positive step to boost your visibility to get reviews. Having a positive rating can help to elevate your business in search results, especially on sites that allow visitors to sort businesses by the number of positive ratings.

Claim Your Profile On Reputed Business Listing Sites

Promoting your business in your own city, state or country is an important part of local SEO.

These effects are very helpful as they provide prospective customers in your locality who are looking for the services and products you provide online, with information by advertising your business effectively.

Local Press Releases

Press release still helps companies get media coverage over blogs and podcasts and provide SEO benefits. Boosting your company’s visibility is especially important for small businesses, but even large corporations need to fight for consumer mindshare.

By implementing a press release distribution strategy, you let customers know who you are, what you do, and why they need you. You also gain the attention of journalists, and over time, they start to trust you more and give you more media coverage.

Our content copywriters prepare press releases and distribute them on Local Press Release websites, providing information about the products or services you lunch.

Reputation Management & Social Media

We use a customized program we created to connect to and manage all your social media profiles from one portal. This helps to manage and monitor your reputation online and gauge the effect of the SEO efforts both Local and Organic.

This also means we are able to steer our SEO efforts towards ensuring an increase positive reviews and ratings and in turn – in conversion rates on your website.

Analyze the Website Performance Regularly

Analyzing your website performance on regular interval helps gauge the effect of the SEO efforts by providing statistic and quantified results.

Our Performance Analysis includes reports like local search ranking report, local visitors report, local traffic report on a monthly basis.

Our team of SEO experts is experienced and in touch with the latest trends and practices that popular search engines follow and look forward to every opportunity to prove that they deliver quality results with each project.

The post How to Optimize Your Website For Local Search appeared first on QualDev.

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