Web Development

Full Service Website Design & Development Agency

Our Web Development process

We deliver web development and web design solutions within the expected budget and timeframe. The phases of our development lifecycle are:

web development process

Growing user expectations propel ongoing changes to technology, and have forced brands to deliver digital experiences that are not only fun, and intuitive but engaging as well; making it more important than ever for brands to be accessible everywhere, in real-time and on both desktop and mobile devices.

At QualDev, we build websites that are clean, clear and customized to create lasting impressions both visually and interactively. Our experienced team of web developers has successfully completed 750+ web development projects for both the world of startup and for enterprises as well.

We do not just design websites, we transform them into powerful communication channels that drive online growth and deliver the results you care about.

Your Website should Work,
Your Website should Perform Fast,
Your Website should definitely be Secure

But when they don’t,
there is QualDev.

You have come to the right place

Get In Touch
  • We deliver solutions within the expected budget and timeframe
  • The kickoff meeting, within 2 business days, sets the course for projects
  • A Dedicated web development team working closely and only with you
  • We employ iterative and incremental development methodologies
  • You have unrestricted access to the source codes


  • 15+
    Years of Web Design and
    Development Experience
  • 75+
    Front End and
    Backend Developers
  • 750+
    Custom Web
    Projects Delivered
  • 400+
    Happy Clients

Website Development

A successful website should act as a communication channel between your business and your target audience. Instead of simply promoting a product or service, it should deliver an unforgettable experience. Building a positive lasting effect or feeling can encourage consumers to come back for that same experience or recommend it to others.

Using sleek aesthetics and out-of-the-box design concepts, we design and develop websites that are powerful business channels that connect with the target audience. Our websites are clean, clear and customized to individual needs.

  • Web Design - We conduct extensive research to understand market trends, competition and target audiences to create design ideas that stand out online.
  • Web Development - With years of experience we can take any concept to reality by developing standard and customized web solutions that meet specific business goals.
  • Web Integration - We can integrate any type of web service and API without affecting the current site performance and end-user experience.
  • Website Maintenance - With an enterprise-grade infrastructure and around-the-clock support, we are always here for you whenever you need us to enhance or upgrade your existing website and keep it up and running.

Mobile Friendly Responsive Web Design

In the mobile-first world, it has become imperative for brands to be accessible on multiple devices. We have developed 300+ responsive websites that function flawlessly, delivering the same brand experience across a range of devices. We can develop a new or we can convert your existing one to a responsive design without affecting the current workflows and functionality. Now you can improve the overall conversion rate on all screens with just one solution.

Site Security, Upgrades & Maintenance

Websites and applications need to be protected constantly against security risks and optimized for optimal performance. You also need to constantly enhance and upgrade your website. Our enterprise-grade infrastructure and around-the-clock support, allows us to offer security and maintenance services that ensure your web properties continue to function faster and safer. Get in touch with us to get a critical security vulnerability and performance analysis of your website or app and see how we can keep you ahead of your competition.

Support & Integration of Third-party Systems

We can integrate your web application with any 3rd party web service, API, System, Plugin and Extension; without affecting the current site performance and end-user experience. This can be an existing ERP, CRM, Accounting Software, Inventory Software etc. This gives you access to other incredible tools, features, and functionalities that are not a part of the existing web application and hence help enhance the user experience or your own workflow.

Website Speed &
Performance Optimization

Already have a website?

  • Is your website slow to load?
  • Do you have visitors complaining that it is hard to browse your site?
  • Does your website Analytics shows high bounce rate?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you are losing potential business opportunities.

"50% percent of site visits are abandoned if the page takes more than 5 seconds to load"

We take advantage of the following web technologies and their featuresto make your site the fastest it can be!
  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

    A Progressive Web App is a hybrid combination of a website and mobile application that extensively uses the features of most modern browsers to deliver the best mobile experience.

  • AMP & Improved Mobile SEO

    AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) is a method approved by Google to build fast mobile-friendly pages. Google has integrated AMP into mobile search results so it enhances mobile SEO and can help you in mobile search rankings. Now with more and more traffic coming from mobile devices, it provides you the huge opportunity to outrank those who are not using AMP.

  • Laravel

    Is one of the best open-source modern web application frameworks. It is used to design and develop customized web applications rapidly. We prefer Laravel over other frameworks because it offers extensive features, performance and scope for scalability.

  • HTML5

    Provides us more control over the performance of the websites. Many of the inherent Flash and JS-based elements allow for a faster, smoother user experience.

  • Angular JS

    Is mainly used for building a single page application. It is also considered an extension to HTML syntax and is used to create reusable components.

  • React JS

    Is used mainly for building amazing user interfaces in an application that offer great rendering performance. It is also widely popular for resolving issues in JavaScript frameworks related to the efficiency of large datasets.

  • Node JS

    Is considered a server environment rather than a framework. Powered by the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, it is used mainly to simplify the development of complex applications.

What Are You Waiting For?

PHP Web development & Frameworks

fram work img

From dynamic websites to interactive applications; customized software to enterprise web systems; we use agile methodologies and leverage a wide range of PHP frameworks and databases to develop highly secure, reliable & effective applications.

Our experienced web developers can work on your project full-time, part-time and on an ad-hoc basis, irrespective of whether you are a startup or an established enterprise. We have deployed extremely scalable web applications of varying complexity to many of our clients.

We also offer support, maintenance, upgrades and security related services for any PHP web application.

Rapid Application Development using Frameworks

When it comes to developing complex PHP based web projects, we reduce development overheads and dial down complexity by relying on frameworks that include a series of pre-built tools, templates, technical components and code samples that eliminate redundant legwork.

Top PHP Frameworks We Use

  • laravel logo
  • zend logo
  • code i logo
  • cake php logo
  • yii logo

Top Databases We Use

  • mysql logo
  • maria dblogo
  • sql server logo
  • mongo logo
  • no sqlogo

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) provide native-app features in web-based applications to make them faster and engaging. We integrate unique features such as push notification, easy distribution channels and offline browsing in web apps to offer targeted and meaningful experiences and easy user re-engagement to both new and return visits across all platforms with minimum coding effort. Now empower your users, increase engagement & drive conversions with PWA.

  • Progressive web apps have higher engagement compared to native mobile apps as they load instantly even in unfavorable network conditions.
  • Progressive web apps are responsive and render seamlessly across multiple devices. This helps to improve overall conversion rates.
  • Progressive web apps do not need installation and feel like a natural app on the device and respond quickly to user touch and interactions.
We offer following sophisticated progressive web app development services
  • Custom Progressive App Development
  • Responsive Web App Design & Development
  • Progressive Web Upgrade

Enterprise Web Development

Web Apps are a critical component for an enterprise, which requires a specific approach and development needs. We use modern web methodologies and technologies such as MEAN stack and LAMP stack to build secure, scalable and user-friendly web applications. We have rolled out projects for our customers across various business verticals and functions.

  • Architecture Design & Consultation

    Our experienced web engineers and architects perform a thorough analysis of your enterprise web project and can offer consulting services to design and implement backend architectures that are organized, scalable, flexible, future-ready and user-friendly.

  • System Integrations

    If you are looking for developing new applications or upgrading legacy systems, then we can help you integrate solutions for the web by facilitating powerful software integrations.

  • Enterprise PortalDevelopment

    Technology has made it possible for any enterprise to overcome geographical boundaries. Hence, every business is focusing on building enterprise level solutions that offer their customers and employees real-time access to their data and services. We have developed ingenious enterprise portals that offer user customizable and intuitive web interface to access information and services securely. Now focus on business growth, improve customer service, streamline content distribution and improve communications.

  • CMS Development

    PHP based CMS frameworks are open source and offer various integration capabilities. This has allowed us to build content management, user management, event management and extended ecommerce systems using CMS platforms such as Joomla, WordPress & Drupal. In certain cases, we have even built custom plugins to connect APIs and web services, allowing businesses connect to manufacturers or other vendors.

  • Custom CRMDevelopment

    When it comes to building a CRM, one size does not fit all businesses. You need a development partner like QualDev to develop and customize CRM solutions that meet industry and business specific requirements. We understand your customer lifecycle and touch points - websites, social media, email, phone and even walk-ins. Hence, we integrate these channels to provide your sales, marketing, and service teams a complete view of the customer journey. This allows you to connect with your audience at the right moment and offer better personalized services.

  • ERP Solutions

    We offer end-to-end ERP solutions that help you effectively and efficiently manage different processes within your organization. Based on your organizational requirements we develop a system of integrated applications that manage and automate many technology related back-office functions, services and human resources. In addition to this, we offer, analytical tools that provide easy access to your critical key performance indicators and options to drill into specific data points to understand your impact and help you make informed decisions.

  • SaaS ProductDevelopment

    Building a successful SaaS product requires detailed planning and execution followed by continuous improvements to your product. Our team of full-stack developers can help you create your own SaaS product and help you market it.


We offer unique ecommerce & mcommerce solutions that include online B2B & B2C ecommerce sites, multi-vendor marketplaces, ecommerce apps and payment gateway integrations. We know how to design mobile-friendly, responsive, search engine friendly, feature-rich online stores that provide you with complete control over your online store operations so you can focus on revenue growth.

With add-on technologies, we make it easy for your customers to connect their site to external marketplaces so that they can multiply their ROI at a much quicker pace.

If you are looking to simplify or blend your customers shopping experience across different devices, while keeping the same brand promise, then QualDev is the right partner for you.

Technologies we use

For guaranteed result and return on investment

Industries we serve

We cater to almost all industries, with more than 400+ clients and 750+ projects all over the world,

Our Work

Some of the many clients we've helped achieve great results.



Feature rich responsive designed, B2B eCommerce website, equipped with a dedicated control panel.

project.National Lighting

National Lighting

Customized ecommerce website promoting lighting and light fittings, with dedicated control panel



Feature rich mobile friendly ecommerce website equipped with a dedicated control panel



This ecommerce website has a dedicated control panel for administrator to manage information and orders

project.New Passport Photo

New Passport Photo

Custom Designed website that users can visit to download or learn more about the features of the NEW PASSPORT PHOTO iOS and Android apps

project.Teri Jon

Teri Jon

Full featured ecommerce Apparel website with a dedicated control panel to manage different sections of the website

Partnership Models

A perfect partnership that delivers results!
Your wish is our command. From an individual developer to a dedicated project team, we have everything you need

Complete project for a fixed price

No extra or hidden charges once the deal has been sealed.

We become an extension of your Team

Together we will seize the full potential of your market.

We become your IT team

Your success is our success and we are committed to maximizing your profit.

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