Our Coronavirus Preparedness!
We Are Open And Ready To Help You!

We sincerely hope you are well and our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in lockdown.

We want to provide you with an update on how we at QualDev are closely monitoring the situation and addressing the challenges of the coronavirus (COVID-19).

As novel coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosis continue to increase around the world, and our understanding about the critical role QualDev plays for your business, we have implemented some of the best practices to try and ensure the business continuity and support to you, without compromising on the health and safety of our team members, who are the heart of our organization.

We Are Learning, We Are Preparing, We Are Taking Actions!

Since March 22nd, our whole team is working remotely from their homes.

We had prepared ourselves for the worst-case scenario, including a situation where our whole team needs to work remotely from home. And as soon as we realized it was inevitable, we moved the team members to work from home in a thoughtful, choreographed manner. This ensured that your businesses continued to receive excellent stability and support.
In the worst-case scenario, our priority would be to provide support and service for any emergency situation which can disrupt the normal operation of systems we have created for you.

We are constantly monitoring team and their families' health and well being and are prepared to help them in all the ways.

We are trying our best and we are confident that with the right practices and adequate social distancing, we can help curb the spread of COVID-19 and will not have any major impact on various tasks/projects we are working on.

We wish you good health and be safe. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or inquiries.

We also want to take this moment to thank our front-line heroes everywhere, who are working tirelessly and selflessly.

We remain optimistic that we’ll get through this together and come out stronger than ever!

Till then, please be safe and healthy!

Your Team at QualDev

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