Top 10 Tips For Successful Ecommerce This Holiday Season

QualDev’s online marketing experts share their tips and strategies on how you can prepare your online business for the holiday rush and get holiday shoppers to buy from you.
First, here is a list of the important dates in the season, so that one could gear up for them
Shopping Dates in November
11 November Veterans Day
27 November Hanukkah
28 November Thanks Giving
29 November Black Friday
Shopping Dates in December
2 December Cyber Monday
24 December Christmas Eve
25 December Christmas Day
26 December Boxing Day (Canada, UK)
31 December New Year’s Eve
1. Update your Inventories, refill your stocks, Identify Popular Products

Research past best sellers on your ecommerce store, including up-sells and cross-sells. Keep a keen eye on various trendy products on your competitor’s website. Pick and prepare a list of researched products, so that you have enough time to prepare a platform for them to be sold in good quantity. Offer a better shopping experience, by ensuring that product descriptions and images are correct.

2. Ensure that your site loads quickly – Optimize the Performance of Your Server

Every second of delay in site load time can reduce conversion rate by 7%, meaning a higher loss for you due to the high internet traffic volumes received during the holiday season. Talk to QualDev and your hosting company to execute necessary optimization. You may even want to upgrade your hosting plan to avoid any disruptions due to unplanned spike in traffic on your website.

3. Reorganize website Navigation/ Product Categories

Develop different profiles for prospective customers and add them to a separate holiday navigation. Create a separate holiday navigation or customize your current navigation to provide buying guides that cater to the ‘person’ for whom the gift is being purchased. So, this navigation would have categories like “Gifts for Dad,” “Gifts for Teenagers,” etc.

Promote the new categories aggressively during key shopping events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. As you create these gift categories, plan for additional inventory as most online retailers see great success when promoting products this way.

Give your store a facelift to depict holiday themes. Redesign Promotional Banner & other graphics.

Not a design expert? Don’t worry – Contact QualDev.

4. Get your pricing right, offer services beyond pricing – Free Shipping , Financing and lot more

Consumers have more tools to check prices than ever. So apply your pricing strategy smartly. Be prepared to offer value beyond pricing, such as free shipping, promotional offers / deals, financing service, better customer service, or reward programs.

5. Offer gift wrapping – a must for the 2013 holiday season

Online shoppers desire gift wrapping service for convenience, this provides a great incentive to purchase from your store. It will add some overhead to your fulfillment process, but you can charge a few dollars per package to recoup some of the cost. Let shopper customize their gifts, gift wrap them, and add a message.

6. Bill Me Later – Offer alternative payment methods

According to a survey of online shoppers, 4 out of every 10 buyers online would rather use an alternative payment method. A shopper might choose your competitors website to make purchase if he/she is provided an option to pay the way they want to. Financing services like PayPal’s ‘Bill Me Later’ could be important to some of the buyers this season, where merchant gets paid immediately, but customer has to pay in easy six months installments.

7. Enable Live Chat – Be ready to help your customers

Do not let valuable shoppers leave your site with queries & question. Give them instant help and grab a sale. Talk to QualDev to integrate a 3rd Party Live Chat Plugin on your online store.

8. Go Mobile! – Be available for mobile shoppers

This might be easier said than done. But there has been a consistent and drastic increase in mobile shoppers in the past few years, and the trend will continue to rise in the coming years too. You better be a part of this shift sooner rather than later as this might not remain an optional choice for long.

Don’t have mobile version of your ecommerce? Contact QualDev to get a mobile ready store.

9. Plan Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Don’t wait for the holidays to arrive to create your email marketing campaigns. Check your holiday calendars and plan them right now. Offer some exclusive discounts or deals for your subscribers only and make them feel special. If you have a holiday sale going on, you can email people about specific products that they added to their wishlist that are available on sale.

10. Get your fulfillment operations ready

Get the hiring started for new part time staff and start training them for order supplies. Make a quick list of all the carriers who can deliver your products or services at the lowest prices. Make sure your drop-shippers operations are well arranged and in order, in case if you need to drop-ship.

Start now to ensure your ecommerce business rocks this holiday season.QualDev’s team is always happy to help you achieve your business goals, and offer Quick & Smart Solutions.